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Missal de Santa Eulalia. Art book (27 x 35 cm) on this popular codex dated of 1403 which is kept at the Barcelona's Cathedral. Texts by Ángel Fábrega and Pere Bohigas. Out of print.

Kitab manafic al-hayawan (Book on animal applications). Art book (17 x 24 cm) on the Arab codex with the same title, no. 868 of the Library of El Escorial (Madrid), dated of middle 15th century. Text by Carmen Ruiz Bravo-Villasante. Out of print.

Historia… de la xamas vencida Cantabria (History of the never defeated Cantabria), by Pedro Cossío y Celis. Facsimile edition -reprint- of the book printed in 1688 (14,5 x 20 cm). Out of print.

Sentencia de Juan II sobre los molinos de Bolarque. Facsimile reproduction of the parchment, dated of 1410, kept by the Town Hall of Almonacid de Zorita (Guadalajara), with the royal seal, presented in a folder of 65 x 50 cm. Out of print.

Neruda joven (Young Pablo Neruda). Letters and poems written by Pablo Neruda to Albertina Rosa Azócar, with the facsimile reproduction of a selection of the originals hand-written or typed by the poet from Chile and a volume compiling evocations and comments of other authors such as Francisco Fernández Ordóñez, Vicente Aleixandre, Rafael Alberti, Jorge Edwards, Jorge Guillén, Francisco Umbral, Albertina Rosa Azócar and Juan Ignacio Poveda, all presented in a clothed box of 24 x 35 cm. Out of print.

Libro de los primitivos pivilegios de Alicante. (Of the primitive privileges garanted to the city of Alicante). Facsimile edition (19 x 25 cm) of the two first parts of the codex Arm.5, lib.48 of the Archivo Municipal de Alicante, which gathers all the fueros and privileges granted to the city of Alicante by Alfonso X the Wise from 1252 onwards, accompanied with a supplementary booklet written by professors Juan Manuel del Estal, María Luisa Cabanes and Francisco Gimeno. Out of print.

Tumbos de Compostela (Monastic Chartularies of the city of Compostela). Art book (24 x 34 cm) on the eight medieval monastic cartularies (or tumbos) kept at the Santiago de Compostela's Cathedral. Texts by professors Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz, Fernando López Alsina and Serafín Moralejo. Out of print.

Constitución española de 1812. (Spanish Constitution of 1812). Facsimile reproduction (26 x 41 cm) of the manuscript of the first Constitution promulgated in Spain, worded in 1812 by the Cortes of Cádiz and ordered by the Spanish Congreso de los Diputados. Out of print.

Grabados de Piranesi. Folder of 80 x 60 cm containing the faithful reproduction of four prints of the Giovanni Battista Pirani's series of Rome (1778). In possession of the Spanish Senate, which had ordered them. Out of print.

Nuevo Neruda Joven, cartas y poemas.

Glosario latino-español del siglo XI, ms. 31 de la Real Academia de la Historia.

Manuscrito Lazarraga, en vascuence, siglo XVI.

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